Equipment for the Carriage Driving Horse and Driver
Specializing in Biothane harnesses and parts for bot the competitive and the recreational driver
Oval link double jointed mouthpiece
Although this bit is often mistaken as having poll pressure, this bit offers no leverage point. The cheekpieces of the bridle are attached to the smaller top rings, while the reins are attached to the larger bottom rings. The oval link mouthpiece is considered a milder mouthpiece as the wider link exerts less pressure against the horse's tongue. The inclusion of a double joint also lessens the nutcracker effect, making this a relatively mild bit that is well accepted.
Located in the beautiful New England town of Freeport, Maine, Chrysalis Acres strives to provide a solution to all your carriage driving equipment needs. We ship globally, and have a physical showroom for in person shopping. We vend annually at Equine Affaire, MA and also at select carriage driving events