Equipment for the Carriage Driving Horse and Driver
Specializing in Biothane harnesses and parts for bot the competitive and the recreational driver
This is the booklet with the material you will need to study to prepare for the Level 1 and/or Road Test Driver Proficiency Program certification
The basic level (but not for complete beginners) is for those ready to drive away from home. This is a competence evaluation and will confirm that you are doing things safely. This level covers harness knowledge, harnessing and putting to, practical driving, horse care, and general knowledge. Any safe style of driving is accepted. Open to CAA members and non-members.
Road Driving Assessment:
Recommended before driving horses/ponies on public roads and in traffic. Road Driving can be taken on its own without actually accomplishing Level I. However, to take Level II, you must have been successful with Level I and Road Driving. Open to CAA members and non-members.
Located in the beautiful New England town of Freeport, Maine, Chrysalis Acres strives to provide a solution to all your carriage driving equipment needs. We ship globally, and have a physical showroom for in person shopping. We vend annually at Equine Affaire, MA and also at select carriage driving events