Equipment for the Carriage Driving Horse and Driver
Specializing in Biothane harnesses and parts for bot the competitive and the recreational driver
A Classic!
The 100% glycerine bar restores leather to its full-bodied suppleness and buffs to a rich, satin finish. An excellent cleaner and preservative. Apply with a wet sponge, let penetrate until dry, then rub with a soft cloth for a lustrous finish. Show exhibitors often shampoo horses and cattle with glycerine bars to impart a healthy sheen to their coats.
7 oz solid bar
Located in the beautiful New England town of Freeport, Maine, Chrysalis Acres strives to provide a solution to all your carriage driving equipment needs. We ship globally, and have a physical showroom for in person shopping. We vend annually at Equine Affaire, MA and also at select carriage driving events