Equipment for the Carriage Driving Horse and Driver
Specializing in Biothane harnesses and parts for bot the competitive and the recreational driver
A Clean Horse Stall Keeps Horses Healthy &Happy
Horse Stalls and barns provide the ideal conditions for parasitic insects such as mites, lice, fleas, flies, ticks, and mosquitoes to live and breed. Further, these insects nest in bedding material and wooden crevices, drink from troughs and rain water, and then feed on your horses at night which causes discomfort to your animals and the potential for disease. Additionally, the discomfort caused by these insects can affect both the demeanor and long term health of your horses, which makes them irritable and more difficult to work with.
Horse urine and manure is another common problem in stall and barns. The odor from horse urine is obvious and unpleasant but the larger problem is that the fumes carry harmful Ammonia (NH3) which is dangerous to the health of both horses and people.
Healthy Stall is a perfect 3 in 1 product that provides both a clean and natural environment for your horse.
1. Ground Insects: Using a combination of natural enzymes and organic fossilized algae powder, Healthy Stall fights non-flying insects throughout their life-cycle (eggs, larvae, pupa and mature). Firstly, our formula safely removes living parasites. Then, it creates an environment that they cannot easily live in so they do not come back.
2. Flying insects: Healthy Stall also contains organic plant oils which are known to naturally repel flying insects such as horse flies, mosquitoes and gnats, which can carry disease and cause discomfort to horses.
3. Ammonia & Manure: Our natural enzymes safely break down Ammonia (NH3) into harmless and odorless Nitrogen. Also, Healthy Stall works to break down manure residue which may seep in wooden cracks and horse bedding.
Effective & Natural– Healthy Stall is effective against all of these problems, and works to ensure the continued health of your horses.
We pride ourselves on making effective products that are safe, natural, & affordable.
Carefree Enzymes represents that the product qualified for exemption from registration under the 25(b) FIFRA. Also, we make ALL of our products are with natural enzymes and plant oils without the use of ANY harsh chemicals. Further, when used as directed, they are completely child & animal safe.
Located in the beautiful New England town of Freeport, Maine, Chrysalis Acres strives to provide a solution to all your carriage driving equipment needs. We ship globally, and have a physical showroom for in person shopping. We vend annually at Equine Affaire, MA and also at select carriage driving events