Equipment for the Carriage Driving Horse and Driver
Specializing in Biothane harnesses and parts for bot the competitive and the recreational driver
A really great starter/schooling/entry level biothane harness for those on a budget, but with the quality needed to get a safe and correctly fitting start in driving.
Comfortable foam padding on crown, girth, breeching, and breast collar.
100% solid stainless steel hardware on every part. No plating = no rusting, ever.
Largely adjustable and reinforced traces.
Buckle down overgirth style girth is included.
Shaft loops are closed with a drop billet.
Metal blinker stays can be shaped to fit your horse. And will stay in place.
Soft biothane reins are included. Choose black or brown.
Bridle comes with either a noseband or an overcheck, but not both. Please specify. Some photos show harness pads. These are not included but can be ordered and shipped at same time. https://chrysalisacres.ecwid.com/Harness-Pad-Waffle-Straight-Breast-Collar-Breeching-p144301990 and https://chrysalisacres.ecwid.com/Harness-Pad-Waffle-Saddle-p144301932
Measuring chart can be printed out from this link Harness Measuring Chart you san send a scan, or a photo or a list of the letters and your measurments, to: admin@chrysalisacres.com
Located in the beautiful New England town of Freeport, Maine, Chrysalis Acres strives to provide a solution to all your carriage driving equipment needs. We ship globally, and have a physical showroom for in person shopping. We vend annually at Equine Affaire, MA and also at select carriage driving events